YTYT Highlights of 2016
There has certainly been a lot to say about 2016 and lots of it hasn’t been the happiest. Reassuringly however the YTYT year has been packed with enough highlights to keep it’s status as a place to retreat to, a place to escape the uncertainty, disappointments and loss of the world outside…this blog serves as a record of my greatest highlights… The first event in the YTYT year to qualify as a highlight has got to be our NT Connections performance, “Eclipse/The Darkness in the Light,” which had it’s local performances in February and the regional performances in Kendal in May. It was the second time I had directed this Simon Armitage poetic play but this production was very different to my initial go at it. It classes as a highlight for lots of reasons including the sheer scale of the production – a cast of over 20 creating a partner piece and 3 versions of the same play. It also classes as a highlight due to the quality of the performances and writing it...