Alice Narey (not the little Alice of my blog - a slightly older but none the less delightful one) is our guest blogger this week:

It finally feels like November…Halloween and bonfire night is done, the John Lewis advert has aired and it's now socially acceptable to mention Christmas. But most importantly, Yew Tree’s Christmas shows are well under way. This week me and Tom finished choreographing our epic sword fight (and trust me it is epic, if you want to see me stick a sword through my legs and somehow make it look cool I'd advise buying tickets) and we also  had the pleasure of showing it to the younger side of Yew Tree – as well as getting  a sneak preview of their own Christmas production and I can tell you it’s  looking adorable!

Then, I was lured into helping out at Black Company at the offer of free cake…I’m a sucker for home baked goods. Turns out, that was a pretty good decision, I saw faces I haven't seen in way too long and it was so lovely to have a catch up. It still surprises me just how quickly Black Company manage to put together an amazing show. So it's probably not surprising to hear that I have now joined Black…I couldn't resist.

On to Gold Company, I just couldn't get enough this week, we have now picked apart the second half of our fairy tale like no other and it is feeling great. It was especially refreshing this week to have to think about going back to the basics and really thinking about the places that the characters are (if anyone knows of any cliffs of insanity or eel infested water could you let me know, I'm considering method acting this year) This has really made me think about my character more and now I'm comfortable with lines I'm looking forward to next week when I can explore his back story and trying to look convincing on a boat...

To finish off, I'm super excited to start rehearsals for this years connections play (just thought I'd drop that in here because the script is great) I just can't get enough of Yew Tree!

I must admit, it’s a weird feeling to get the bus to college at 8 in the morning knowing I'll probably not get home for another 12 to 13 hours. However, instead of making me dread the day, the thought of having a Yew Tree rehearsal could get me through any day.


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