Today’s blog is
inspired by Alice…who has blogged twice for YTYT at the tender age of 7 and who
I spotted at the start of yesterday’s run of Aladdin, when most members of the
cast were still chattering and settling, stood perfectly poised and entirely
ready…she made me catch my breath such was her level of maturity and
concentration. She also made me
think that readiness was a very useful thing to blog about…
I talk a lot about
being ready in my workshops – in my school work I talk about being ready to
learn…in my work with professional organisations about being ready to take on
new ideas, to see things from a new perspective and in my drama workshops and
rehearsals about being ready to work wholeheartedly and creatively…that actors
should be ready to give themselves over to the process of making theatre…
It is of course like
so many things easier said than done but it makes a big difference when
readiness is present – whatever the context – it means that the people in the
room are present…entirely in the room and in the moment…there is a level of
focus, of openness of generosity that makes working together a great experience
and in turn productivity goes through the roof…it means really listening…not taking
in edited highlights…it means all distractions are evicted and everyone has a
common goal.
The wonderful thing is
that readiness can be learnt – it’s not something you have to be born with and
if you can get good at it you’ll be a pleasure to work with and have such
wonderful pleasure in return…just like Alice…
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