I just love YEW TREE by Alice Kearford
My experience with Black and Orange company, In Black Company were doing a show called The Snow Princess I am a snow flurry a village child and just for a bit the little snow princess. I love doing this show because it’s got snow in it and I love snow and I get to do it with my friends. When I was asked to help with Black Company I felt happy because I’ve never been asked to work with big people before. I find it good to work with big people so that I can learn things from them. Like if you have a line that’s saying that something is going on in the forest. They can show me how to do it .The big people make me feel welcome. By saying things like come here we’ll help you or they will show us what to do. In Orange Company we are doing a play called Santa Got Stuck up the Chimney, I am a star. It is a good show it is funny! My part is a star, we get to dance, I have lots of lines and a sparkly costume! We get the show at the Phoenix theatre, its really good with all the lights on a big stage. I love to go to Yew Tree on a Thursday and see my friends we all play games. My favourite game is called Mafia, we all sit in a circle, close our eyes then Sarah walks around the circle and taps people on the shoulder, these are the Mafia. Sarah tells the Mafia to open their eyes and wake up and then tells them to point to someone who is now dead and the Mafia close there eyes. Sarah tells everyone to wake up and asks us to put our hand up to guess who the Mafia might be. The person who they think has 20 seconds of freedom time and they have to tell us all why they didn’t do the crime, then Sarah asks us to vote if we think they are the mafia if it is 10 or more of us that’s a majority so then Sarah asks them if they were a citizen or mafia ( you have to tell the truth or you are out)! If all the citizens are out first the Mafia win, if all the Mafia are guessed first the citizens win. It is usually the citizens that win. This week I was the Mafia, it was exciting I wanted to get Tom out (my brother) but he got me out first and the citizens won us. This game is good because we all laugh and everyone gets a turn.


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