Written word trailer - Christmas 2016 - Coming soon to the Phoenix!!

It’s such a creative time at YTYT at the moment – we’ve just performed the Miner’s Memorial Service…read Sam’s excellent blog to put you in the picture about that.  Fulfilling this honour means everyone is now full speed ahead for the Christmas shows and I have to say it’s a delight to watch the ones I am directing take shape.  I thought it would be good to share some highlights so think of the following as a sort of written word trailer…

“Hansel and Gretel,” is free falling into glory with an ever more ridiculous soundtrack. It now includes MC Hammer, Evernescence and a Conga! I have every faith it’s going to be everything you’d expect from a Sapphire show…brave, bold and brilliant…and although it’s great to see the more established members leading the way it’s also a joy to watch new members, of which there are a fair number, meet the challenge of a Sapphire Christmas show with style.

“A Fairytale Like No Other,” really started to come into it’s own this week, the style of the show is individual to say the least and it felt like the cast clicked in terms of getting the discipline and cleanness of delivery.  What also clicked is how once those qualities are there they allow an opportunity for all sorts of playfulness including wiggly armed, ‘It was all a dream physicality,” so you can look forward to that!

Orange Company’s “When Santa got Stuck Up the Chimney,” is just lovely – the very talented younger children are so excited to share with you the efforts of their hard work – there are silly stars and elves and excited children with of course Mr and Mrs Claus heading up this new look at a well known song!

Scarlet company are preparing an eerie physical theatre piece inspired by the story of The Red Shoes and Black Company having now completed their work with the NUM were delighted this week to dive into a storytelling piece inspired by the Russian fairytale, “The Snow Princess.”  In addition to the shows I’m directing Purple and Crimson Company are working hard with the lovely Gemma to produce their usual festive brilliance that completes the Christmas line up…the prospect makes me entirely giddy with anticipation.

As you can see it’s all happening…there’ll be more progress reports as we go – but for now just get those tickets bought!!


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