Head, heart and gut...

Thinking about performing in terms of heads, guts and hearts is not a new way of thinking at all – in fact it’s been around so long it runs the danger of being overlooked – but I was thinking about it last night and I woke up thinking about it this morning so I thought it was worth blogging about this week…

I love working with thoughtful artists – of any age from my youngest member of the youth theatre to the professional actors I direct – actors and dancers that use their head in rehearsal and performance …who look at the given circumstances, the character, the need, the want that lies at the centre of the material they are working on and think about the energy and intention – the quality of movement that will express all of that…they’re also amazing team players – their thoughtfulness translates into consideration and empathy…an exceptionally valuable combination.

I also love working with instinctive people who have the courage to go with their gut.  Who are brave and glorious in their art – who throw themselves into it, who respond and react in the moment bringing an excitement and unpredictability to their work and their play.

Finally I love working with invested artists – people that immerse themselves in what they are doing – who are heartfelt and soulfelt, who are honest and committed to the moment, the work, the art…who lay themselves bare and open and make magic with their words and their voice and their physicality…

But sometimes you have the privilege of working with people who in that moment are all three – thoughtful, instinctive and heartfelt – and it’s a thing of joy! I often get asked by performers what they have to do to become really good…or a request that they are pushed to become better.  It’s difficult to know what to say as the process of developing as an artist is so complicated  - but if I was asked today I would say know whether you are naturally a head, gut or heart artist – and use this attribute to it’s best advantage and then work hard to open yourself up to the others…so you can be someone who makes working with them rehearsal room and on stage a privilege.


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