The lovely (and very YTYT busy) Ellie!

Hi! So today everyone at Gold Company was told Sarah needed a guest blogger, so being the great person I am, stepped up to the challenge!
My Yew Tree week often starts off at Orange company on a Thursday as a volunteer, and this year they're putting on a Christmas show of "When Santa got stuck up the chimney." But however unfortunately this week I had to miss this session, due to the fact I did some stage managing for Black company's "Remember the Oaks." Which leads me to my next point...

So astray from my typical Thursday night at Orange, I find my self on a car journey to the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) hall in Barnsley, to stage manage for Black Company. As I got there I focused my attention to the actors, checking if they had the right props, costume and if they had any quick costume changes with need of assistance. The show was ran once through before the doors opened at seven and the audience began to filter in, the show cast all the way from 1876 right the way through to 2016, and each year had something special to it, for example '1886- grandads miners lamp' was all about people who had been affected by mining and what the mining industry meant to them. At half past seven we started the show, and I have to say it was brilliant! Each actor was better than the first time it was performed and I'm sure the audience loved it too! After we performed there was a short break, and then a man called Alan Wood, sang us a few songs he had written himself, all about things to do with the mining industry, such as a little trapper girl and the pit ponies, he was very brilliant indeed! Thank you to the NUM for having us!

The next stop of my week is on a Saturday morning at Gold company, and our Christmas show is called "A fairytale like no other..." It's filled with Heros, and villains, directors, special effects team, a debut actor, some very cross understudies, a miracle man and many more wonderful roles. 
To start off our session this week, we were introduced to Danny, who a lot of you may know, and he got involved with the games and the beginning and also looked on and gave us advise when we came to staging the first few parts of the show, he also introduced a "moo off" I'm sure if you play yee-ha! at any point after today you will get to know what it is (if Sarah keeps it haha). We started off with cast Bride and they set the prologue, then we switched over to cast Princess who them did the same scene but in their different casting. This continued until we ha completed the prologue, scene one, the first interlude, the second scene and the second interlude. Safe to say we staged quite a bit, and it is looking pretty fabulous if I do say so my self! 
Then my next adventure is my Saturday afternoons at the WY Performers show of Aladdin, this isn't a Yew Tree show, yet it is directed by Sarah so I can get away with writing about it. Today I spent the first hour of rehearsal with Sarah Thomas, staging our "Too darn hot" dance, and that is also getting better each time we perform it! Then we moved on to doing a full run of Act two, as we found it was our weaker area when we did a full run for show in our full day rehearsal around two weeks ago. Today it ran a lot smoother than the last time, yet it still has the potential to get better! And each time we rehearse it, in sure it will, it is not a show to miss!!
So to round off:
1. Look on the Yew Tree Youth Theatre page at the photos from Remember The Oaks. 2. Book your tickets for the Christmas shows! They'll be on sale very soon! 3. Book tickets for Aladdin! (A link is on the WY Performers page)
And that's all from me :)


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