This week at Gold Company we were well under way with our Christmas production of a fairy tale like no really, that’s what it’s called – “A fairy tale like no other…” Confusing, right? But do not fear, the clue is in the name, it is indeed a fairy tale like no other and I think I speak for everyone when I say that I’m loving it. It’s looking and sounding hilarious.

We spent our morning making animal noise in some sort of wooden version of stonehenge…it was interesting to say the least *shrug* modern art. After getting over that we managed to create boats, loveable giants, cliffs of insanity and did character work for around 47 characters per person (okay, that may be a slight exaggeration but still it’s going to be challenging)

This week was especially enjoyable as we have an addition to Gold Company and having to explain our little antics and inside jokes made us realise just how crazy we are...Taylor handled it pretty well. Hopefully, he’ll return next week.

I’m looking forward to choreographing our sword fights and learning how to speak with a Spanish accent…I cannot roll my R’s. I sound like a machine gun. Oh well! Looks like Inigo Montoya will have to be Scottish.

Join us next week for some more epic fights, miracles and an old married couple. Man, I love The Princess Bride.

I think it’s only right that I sign off with – “Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.”


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