Lucy is our guest blogger!

Well I never thought that after 3 years I would be back at Yew Tree but here I am! I came to Yew Tree for 5 years from 2008 to 2013 and it completely shaped the person I am today. Yew Tree was where I discovered my love of acting and because of that I did a BTEC in acting at college and went on to study a degree in drama at university... For 3 months. I left uni after finding out I was pregnant. One year and one baby later I found myself really missing the stage when I happened to stumble across a post on Facebook asking for actors to come and be a part of Macbeth and I couldn't resist.
The thought of coming back after such a long time was a daunting one, would I be welcome? Would I fit into this new generation of black company? But I had absolutely nothing to worry about. Everyone was so welcoming and it didn't feel like I was starting in a new place like I though it would, it felt like coming home. 

I got to do my first bit of acting in over a year and played games I haven't played since I was 18, and though I may be a bit rusty I'm sure I'll be back on top form again in no time! And what better way to get back on the stage than by throwing yourself into a full length Shakespeare play? Go hard or go home I guess!

The faces may have changed but Yew Tree certainly hasn't and I can't think of a more supportive place. 

Thank you Sarah and Black company for making my transition back into Yew Tree such an easy one. It's good to be back.


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