Yasmin volunteered to do the blog brilliant person that she is!

So this week was everyone’s last rehearsal before the dress rehearsal on Sunday. We had a very intense rehearsal at Black Company but it was all worth it because I think we’ve got a brilliant play to perform on Thursday night! I’ve found this one of the most difficult rehearsal processes I’ve had so far at Yew Tree because of the serious and real nature of some of the scenes and relationships between characters. For me, a lot of it has been about finding a balance between playing situations with such high stakes naturalistically and convincingly. ‘The Bridge’ is completely different from last year’s Christmas performance which I think makes it even more exciting.  

Another company who had their last rehearsal on Thursday were the lovely Ambers!!! This week Gemma filmed their performance so that they could watch it back and some of them definitely surprised themselves with how wonderful they can be!! (and had a chance to notice how much they can fidget!!!) It is all of their first performance for Yew Tree and a lot of their first performances in general.. They’re understandably nervous but they are all brilliant and I know that they are going to be fantastic on Wednesday night. I have loved helping out at Amber company for the last few weeks and I can’t wait to see them up on that stage next week!



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