A guest blog from a parent is a joyful thing...so here you are!

This blogs from a parent and its true to say
Yew Tree Youth Theatre get in my way
Now don't get me wrong
Don't shake your fists in the air
What I need to say is that I'd like to share
All the good stuff they do, they dance and they sing
They read poems out loud they act, write and everything!
On a wednesday they meet to write all manner of stuff
Sometimes they perform it and its never rough
Their standards are high and this is clear to see
In polished performances at Nostell Priory
They are a delight to behold time and again
As You Like It, my favourite, a real gem
Now these young people are bright shining stars
Nurtured by Yew Tree, they're sure to go far
In whatever they do whichever path they take
They are sure to succeed make no mistake
For I've watched them grow, sulk, laugh and cry
But at the end of the day Yew Tree taught them to fly
So thank you Yew Tree for getting in my way
Im really very happy and I'd like to say
Our young people of Wakefield make me so proud
And im shouting this from the rooftops very loud (ly)...

(grammatically and rhymingly difficult last line. Sorry)!!
Marie xxxx


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