Olena wrote this blog after being a genie all week...

All that glitters in here is gold, or ruby, or SAPPHIRE...

So, it’s that time of year again; shopping for presents, putting up the tree, open mic night and the famous Yew Tree Youth Theatre Christmas productions. The past few weeks have been marvellous (for me anyway). Rehearsals went by fast and before we knew it we were all off script and performing in front a live audience.
The performance itself was fantastic and both nights ran smoothly, timing was perfect and I’ve been told volume was really good as well.  Personally, I think Sam played the part of Aladdin fantastically well and I can’t think of a better person for the role. Both teams of narrators told the story beautifully and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it all unfold on the TV screen backstage. The Genies were particularly magical, if I do say so myself, and Brittany and I really are going to miss being able to dance on stage like it was the natural born thing.
My favourite part however, has to be the doors and the cave. We tried it last year and it worked a treat and this year was even better.  The cave looked amazing and the bright colours of tie-dye and genie pants lit up the stage wonderfully. The unison of the doors was brilliant and from now on whenever I hear the words ‘Terms and Conditions apply’ I’ll instantly be reminded of them.
Yew Tree in general never ceases to amaze me and I just love watching everyone perform and all the effort pay off. Every performance was wonderful and I look forward to watching them all again next year. 


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