And finally Jack with his take on the Christmas shows...

So another year is nearly gone, and with it another round of Yew Tree Christmas shows.
And here’s a blog about them.
For starters, well done. Everyone who was in one of the shows did brilliantly and demonstrated the absolute wealth of talent we have in yew tree.
Course, it hasn’t all happened in a week. The shows were being worked on for months, and it really showed. We had audience members laughing and crying, totally in awe of what they were watching. So yeah. Be proud. 
To get a bit more in depth, last Sunday, when we went for the techs, it didn’t feel like it had been a year since we’d been there last. It felt like we were somewhere familiar and somewhere we knew we could show what Yew Tree is all about. Since i decided to go for the full day of the techs, being a Yew Tree junkie and all, it was a day filled with a great atmosphere, from the younger companies with their amazement of being on a stage, through to the veterans in Black, and everyone in between, coming together to prepare for what may have been the best set of Christmas shows yet.
The show nights themselves felt electric. It’s a feeling that I love. The tension backstage, the heat under the lights, the nerves right before you go on...its brilliant. It’s why i love acting.
And I’ve just realised i haven’t made much of a point yet. Not a coherent one anyway :L So I’ll summarise. This year’s Christmas shows were some of the best I’ve seen. Old members and new joined together to create an experience that was a joy to watch and be a part of. And for those of whom it will be there last Christmas performance, we say goodbye and good luck, and hopefully you’ll enjoy next year’s shows as much, or even more.
There, how’s that for a slice of fried gold.


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