And Bobbie sent this lovely entry

So, it’s a Monday morning and Sarah asked if anyone wanted to do a blog. I jumped straight in there. The main reason is because this year at Yew-Tree has been different from the other four. Which, in a way, is a good thing.
As I’m sure a lot of you know, I was in Green Company since I was 11 (and if you didn’t know you do now.) I loved Green so much and it was so much fun. But this year, it had to close. We didn’t have enough people and at the end of the school year at least half of us would be leaving because we were turning 16. The last session of Green was lovely though. All of us broke into our piggy banks and got a little something for Danny, Alice and Charlotte to show our appreciation for each of them. We even roped in some old members to sign some of the cards. I loved Green, and I miss it a lot, but if it hadn’t have been for it closing then I would never have gone to Gold, and met some of the most amazing people ever, and get to be a fairy, of course.
Three of us went straight from Green and moved over from Gold. Getting buses every Saturday morning and going to join in the fun over there. When we first started, we all had reservations. Going from a small company where we all went to school together, to going to such a big group...Yeah, I’ll admit, it was slightly intimidating.
Eventually we all got settled and each of us settled in.
We went on to do things that we had never done before in Green. Like the Miners Memorial Service. And the Lit Fest. And other things that we never really got to do because we were so far from everything else that was Yew-Tree.
This year was the first year that I ever went to a Yew-Tree Open Mic night, and luckily for me, it was the first Open Mic Night for Three Directions. They definitely brightened my night! Everyone was wonderful, and I was in awe of all the talent that Yew-Tree has!
And then there were the Christmas shows. I’ve always loved the Christmas shows and this year was no exception, especially because I got to be a fairy! Yesss! Everyone was brilliant, like usual! I loved Aladdin, and Michael’s spontaneous little smile. Orange where the cutest things! Black had me sobbing at the back with Beth G. It was so well put together and definitely one of my favourite performances I’ve ever seen by Yew-Tree! Unfortunately I didn’t get to see Purple, but my little brother was particularly fond of them, and claiming that it was his favourite, so I can only imagine how good it was!
Then there is always the last Gold sessions. THE BIG GAMES SESSION! To see so many Yew-Tree members packed into one room and for all of us to have a lovely time and make some lovely Christmas Jingles, and a few games. I couldn’t imagine a better way to end the year!
So…that’s my year at Yew-Tree and what a brilliant Year it has been! I’ve made some brilliant new friends and I’ve done some things that I’ll always be proud of and look back on fondly.
Bring on 2013!
Now it’s Thursday, and I’ve just gotten back from the Christmas Open Mic Night and I can’t help but not write about it! The amount of talent that is shown there is always brilliant and I always leave in such a happy bouncy mood! It gives everyone a chance to meet up and have one more last huzzah before, well with this one at least, Christmas! And Ohh what a great end to the Yew-Tree year! I particularly enjoyed Katie L, Helena, Lal and my singing at the back to all the Christmas songs…only difference is; we’re not exactly the best signers in the world.
Right. I’m done now.
Have a lovely Christmas and I’ll see you all in the New Year!


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