Merry Christmas 2012

I was watching Strictly last night – a guilty pleasure, try not to judge me – and I was struck by the amount of superlatives used to respond to the dancing that was going on.  The words amazing, excellent, brilliant, perfect, superb were rolled out with ridiculous frequency…so much so that their meaning became diffused and diluted.  It made me think about how this applies to the youth theatre, how audiences and people involved, including myself, respond to the work that is produced, the distances individuals and companies travel and the way you all work together.  Often I find myself searching for new words that will truly capture your achievements and then find myself falling back on those overused superlatives…but I’ve now decided that this is ok and I’ll tell you why…

First they are used by someone who has an awareness that not everything to do with YTYT is brilliant or perfect, nothing is in the real world.  I am aware of the sacrifices people make to be able to commit to it. I am aware that casting can sometimes seem unfair, I am aware that there is competition and jealousy and resentment at play. This happens because we are all human…all full of our own ambitions, idiosyncrasies and self doubt. I am also aware of the effort, energy, time management and negotiation that has to be done for you to meet the needs of the company and my expectations…

The second not unrelated justification for frequent excessive use of superlatives is that I mean them.  As a consequence of my awareness of all the things listed in the second paragraph I never take anything you do for granted.  I am continually impressed by the dedication that allows you to rise above any grievance or issue and your commitment in overcoming any obstacles you face.  I am quick to point out where you need to improve and so I am also quick to praise achievements…I don’t say anything I do not mean…each compliment is heartfelt…

In the light of all of the above, this is my Christmas message to you…

Yew Tree Youth Theatre – you are a delight…you’re magic, you fill my soul with so much joy and happiness and it is a privilege to know every single one of you.  Congratulations on the battles some of you have faced and won this year, good luck for the ones some of you have got to come in 2013.  Please feel so very proud of the distance you have travelled, some of you have improved and developed beyond measure, achieving things I didn’t know were possible. Never doubt for one moment that you have somewhere in your life that cherishes you as well as challenges, admires you as it argues with you and will always, always be there for you, as long as you want and need it…have a very lovely Christmas team YTYT!


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