Hannah who left officially quite some time ago but thankfully keeps coming back to us also blogged...
I’d had a bit of a stressful week the last week of uni. One of my modules meant I couldn’t come see the Christmas shows, I had an assessment on the last day of term, the rest of my housemates had already gone home for Christmas and it was really icy so I kept slipping. By Friday night I wasn’t in a good mood because I was also going to miss the Christmas games session and I really wanted to play drama games and just have a bit of Yew Tree in my life…so I got on a train and came home a day early. And left all my stuff in Hull, which my dad wasn’t too pleased about.
But I made it for the games session. Which was lovely and Christmassy and it was so nice to see people. That’s the lovely thing about Yew Tree, you can go off to uni and be away for absolutely ages but you’re always welcome back. Its like a second family. The games session was brilliant, I really don’t think we could’ve fit many more people in the room it was packed. I enjoyed recreating ‘March of the Penguins’ (bruised my head when I fell over though) and actually getting to the third round of the laughing game, which I’ve never done before incredibly, even though I’ve been at Yew Tree since I was about 9. I’m so rubbish at laughing game. The Yew Tree adverts were all funny and ridiculous and it was great how many new people have joined since I went back to uni in September and how involved everyone was and good at giving ideas.
I got a bit more Yew Tree in my life on Thursday at open mic night. I love Yew Tree open mic nights. There’s always somebody new performing and its always great. Its really put me in the Christmas spirit now listening to brilliant people perform brilliant songs/poems etc. And my team won the quiz! I’m so proud. Don’t know why we were team Steven: you can thank Lucy Tranter and Helen Butterfield for that one. Merry Christmas Yew Tree, hope everyone has a brilliant time and eats too much food x


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