Hannah from Sapphire wrote this lovely blog...
Okay so I may have only started Yew Tree in September, but when Sarah needed some bloggers I thought I may as well volunteer.

When I started Yew Tree, I was so nervous- I mean whenever you start something new, your nervous, right? I guess I just really wanted to fit in! Everyone at Sapphire was so lovely, and really made me feel really welcome. I never imagined I would love coming to Sapphire so much, but it's just so fun, you know? Like when we do best and worst, you just automatically end up in hysterics, because there is always someone with some completely random and crazy thing that has happened to them that week. And on the other end of the scale- if you've had some really rubbish thing happen, coming to Yew Tree just seems to put you in a good mood! The competitiveness of Ninja Warriors always makes me laugh, and I love Danny's voice warm ups, although Lottie and me are usually laughing so much it makes it a little more difficult!

The show was brilliant. It was the first time I had really done something like that, and it was brilliant to watch how all our hard work came together. I felt so proud of everyone, the narrators and the genies were particularly funny, and Sam really did well with Aladdin. But it was really good how everyone in the chorus really put effort in too. The two nights were brilliant, especially the way everyone smiled at each other after out bows. It was really good to see the other companies too- Black company had me in tears!

So I guess to end this blog, I just want to thank everyone at Sapphire and Yew Tree for making me feel so welcome! Enjoy Christmas, and here's to another year of brilliant Yew Tree loveliness!


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