The third one comes from Dee

So this week at Nostell we’ve been rehearsing Amelias footsteps.. the tale of a 16 year old girl who falls in love with a ghost, Francis.. leading to her suicide. Its something completely different to anything at all I’ve done with Yew Tree before...
I mean:

1) We're in the woods of nostell priory just jay ceeing with woodland creatures and that … 
2) We're playing dead people running about all ghosty 
3) ITS PITCH BLACK AND ALL WE HAVE IS A LANTERN (and a torch like, but still..)

so yeah.. s’different to the stage and warmth that were used to.. and y’know daylight..

Without sounding a cheeseball though I’m pretty proud of myself for conquering my fear ha I mean on the first rehearsal that we had we did a run of the tour in the semi dark.. it was 6pm (nowhere near as dark as the performance times at 7pm and 8pm we did last night) and yep I bawled my eyes out in the woods on Mikey and probably caused circulation issues in his arm thinking yettis and allsorts were gonna grab me..( I have seen too many horror films recently).. so I guess after a chat with my dad which he offered to come in the woods with me ha (I declined obvs...) and with lots of support from the team making me realise it’s a national park.. there’s no yettis here.. and stories about unicorns from jack of course, I manned up, and the dark seems to not be bothering me much anymore too.. I even went to bed last night for the first time in 19 years without checking my wardrobe to see if a gargoyle was chilling in there... that’s progress... but yeah its been such a good experience and opportunity.. I actually scare people and I kinda realised I'm probably the scariest thing in the wood so if a werewolf appears I've decided to just glare at it and then maybe it'll get the message... maybe? Shut up Dee ha. But yeah seriously it's been so good.. so glad I have a companion though unlike Ash’s character whos on his bill.. I would have not manned up! But yeah now when I come out to do my monologue all ‘the ring-esquely’ I get a bit of a thrill seeing people cower into each other...(or y’know play cow noises from there phone.. not so much)

but yeah.. s’been fun.. looking forward to mondayyy! And I look forward to doing the stage version


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