And Tom Mc the 5th...

Halloween this year so far has been “bloody” brilliant! Aha simply because I have had the pleasure of performing, not only at Nostell Priory again with Yew Tree, but performing as apart of a Ghost Walk, something I have always wanted to do!!…And the opening night on the Saturday evening was both very exciting and spooky, all at the same time…

The performances were split into two different but equally important types…First there’s the Outside Tour, which is all about following Amelia’s footsteps through the woods, and being told of her life’s story and tragic demise by tour guides and story tellers…And second are the House Tours which consist of groups of people being lead around the basements and attic of Nostell Priory, and again, told of chilling stories and past encounters with spirits the staff have had...

I am part of the House cast with James, Charlotte, Beth and Ashleigh and we all perform short monologues and characters either based on truth or fictionally created with the intention of scaring you…I play a real life character called Thomas Gargrave, who was a really bad person in life, and I perform my monologue in the basements, which is a pretty scary place in itself, with its dark stone rooms and cold atmosphere, but I don’t mind it, I’m not personally scared of stuff like that, it more often then not, stirs my curiosity in all things spooky…But other then that, my monologue went down a real treat, which I’m very happy about simply because when I just appear out of nowhere, people got scared and were really surprised, and it gave me a surge of energy and sensation of making an impact on the audience…Plus playing an evil character is something I love doing also

The Saturday night performances were all performed so well and very bravely too…The rest of the house actors where just on the ball with their performances I heard…And the Outside tours of Amelia’s Story deserve a really big round of applause *claps hands* just for being out in the cold dark woods for at least 2 hours and not freezing to death aha…for being brave to perform in the dark, to which most others wouldn’t do, and for also performing something completely new and original, and giving audiences an experience to remember for Halloween

And just as a little add on…There’s one more evening of performances…On Halloween night actually, so if your not busy tomorrow evening, then get in contact with Nostell and come down for a few scares…


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