So proud...

I’m having one of those days today…a proper come down day…the type that only comes when you’ve put your heart and soul into something and it comes to a wonderful end…and then it is gone…

All last week my life was all about the production of Peter Pan I wrote in January and have been directing since February…months of hard work, problem solving and dedication from a whole team of professionals and a whole cast of brilliant children. The production was a credit to everyone involved especially those that stepped out of their comfort zones…the professionals involved worked in a different way to what they usually would as essentially we were inventing a new type of performance… students who had done very little acting of any major kind grew into challenging roles producing performances to be proud of…some of which brought a tear to my eye due to the impact they had on their audience and the distance I knew they had travelled to get to that moment…people who had never worked back stage took on a supportive role with as much desire to get it right as I have seen them bring to any acting role. It was a privilege to be part of such a team.

 I was aware during the process of how much responsibility people were happy to undertake in order to make the show happen…it was only due to this generosity that what we made was possible. It required bravery, dedication and a willingness to overcome challenges and the reward was wonderful to behold, a production to be proud of, a group of people more experienced and knowledgeable than before the project started and an audience who simply loved it…when I went outside at the end of the last night I was overwhelmed by the comments of the parents of the performers…such a pleasure to have played a part in something that resulted in such happiness…made me feel like the luckiest person…so this is my thank you…to everyone involved, fellow teachers, cast, crew and all their families and friends that supported either in a practical way by helping with props, costumes, chaperoning etc or simply by coming and watching the talented performers who told the story of Peter Pan at Wakefield Theatre Royal this weekend with talent, courage and passion…hope you’ve had a day of feeling equally as proud as I am…


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