An overview of the week from Mel
Well, this week for black company has been a triumphant one you could say, with the Ossett, Walton and Jubilee festivals all happening. All of which we've had brilliant feedback (even though for certain people it was a little harder, having to learn lines and new movements just a mere 5 minutes before the performance was supposed to start). However, Thursday night was such a treat trying to help devise scenes for Robin Hood, we just couldn't help ourselves but be a little self indulged.
For gold we've got further in our rehearsals for sleeping beauty with people already off script and raring to go. I'm sure that as soon as we have a full cast we'll fly through the script and be able to focus more as a group. Xx
Celebrating the past in the present...
Next year Yew Tree Youth Theatre will be 30 years old. We haven’t quite decided how we will celebrate - any suggestions would be gratefully received. No doubt there will be some nostalgic perambulating down memory lane and some haphazard but joyous celebrating of three decades of creativity we have shared. Some variation of those two themes would feel fitting. This blog however is something different. This blog is a celebration of the present of those who attended YTYT in the past. Alumni, graduates, previous members – I can never seem to find the right term – but whatever word is chosen I know for sure they are part of the fabric of the youth theatre and I’m grateful to have known all of them, mainly because I have learnt so much from them. I also can’t put a number on how many people have spent significant time with YTYT over the last 29 years. I know we started with a group of 8 and now have about 80 members, I know at our peak just before COVID w...
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