Sapphire this week being represented by Holly and Laura So on Monday, we did a nice bit of Jack and the Beanstalk devising, which is going brilliaaant And to make it even better, we had Sarah and Danny for half the session and Gemma for the next half - best of both worlds innit ninja warrior is my new fave game, cowboys and indians is still my favefave though, and it was a treat for me to do Gemma's job for a bit and run ninja warrior. Right, I was well nervous at the start but when I settled into it - loved it also, I'm loving my part in Jack and the Beanstalk, I get to be bossy, which is what I do best tehe, sorry this is really disjointed, and short, and late... I'm sure Laura's bit will be MUCH better so read that bit before this, and if you've read this, I promise my next one will be better, ily yew tree. Freeman xx This week we had the pleasure of seeing Gemma for half the session and letting her see how far we have got with Jack and the Beanstalk which is really great as we got her input on it all on how to improve or tweak anything slightly, it was really nice to have Gemma and we got to play her version of Ninja Warrior and then Holly took over to teach Gemma how to play our version which was really funny as Holly takes charge really well especially over Daly it was a shame that we didn’t get Danny and Sarah all lesson as they were dearly missed but it was great having Gemma and for half an hour having one of our old members Jake which was a really nice surprise for us all Staggs xx


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