First Halloween blog is by James B

Ahhhh, Halloween at Nostell. Where do I even start? It’s been brilliant, just five days of yew tree. Its not been normal yew tree though, which has been weird. Me being used to Saturday mornings and all that, anyway, I’ll get on with the blog now…
So of all the ideas floating about, Sarah wrote us a ghost story about a girl who gets practically possessed by ghost called Francis (that’s me). This is what we had at 1pm on Monday afternoon. The challenge for us was to move the story onto the grounds of Nostell priory and I think we did it pretty well personally, that’s sounds really cocky but oh well.

I think it was possibly the most fun I have ever had planning a performance, I mean, the first run through consisted of running round Nostell priory finding places to get seen. After that it was a matter of doing it again and again until we knew the route. Everybody had their own set of challenges to overcome aswell, which made it even more interesting, for example with the people on the house tour, which is brilliant by the way, had to keep focused for a period of around two hours, which is mad. Whereas, the storytellers had to balance the spookiness with the need to get the story across to the audience, but yeah, complicated times. I think everybody has found their own way to overcome the problems, which has been nice to see. For me the challenge didn’t come till last night, the dark just changes everything, it’s like a completely different place. For example there is a part in which we have to run the back way before the audience has travelled the straight route and when it consists of slippy steps and choices of which way to go... Let’s just say I let Mel go first.

There is a lot more to say but I fear I will ruin it for anyone coming to see it, see you on Monday team 


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