Mel's is the next...

So this week for us older ones of Yew Tree has been pretty loud, emotional, grumpy and whatever else anyone is when they're just flat out tired. 

Amelias Footsteps and the Spooky House Tour have been such good performances to be a part of! Everyone has got soo into it and even made themselves scared. Its such a different experience for us as a youth theatre, its teaching us to learn new skills, interact with people in ways we never would and for some of us, face our fears head on and still produce such a brilliant piece of theatre. 

Each day we have seen little parts of it all come together and flow even better but its down to us as performers to push it more and more each time to produce a more entertaining piece of quality theatre for the audience.
All week we've rehearsed and felt more comfortable in what we were doing - until - it became dark. As soon as there is no natural light left the parklands are nothing less than pitch black and its like creating the piece all over again, making yourself comfortable within a group, in pairs or just completely on your own. You have to memorise the exact steps you take in order to keep safe, its all tricky, but then, whatever is good can never be easy...


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