Thomas McNulty with his thoughts on performance week...

A first performance of any show, in any theatre has a lasting and wonderful effect on all of those that participate. Its director, its performers, its crew, and everyone involved have the great chance of excelling themselves beyond their potential and do something they never thought they could have ever have done before. No more so I think than with someone who is new to Yew Tree and performing for the first time in a Yew Tree setting, or in fact performing for first time in front of any well made audience and in the theatre that presented this years Christmas shows in….

However by all accounts on both Tuesday and Wednesday night, it was an exceptional evening of performances. I was very pleased and honoured to see such talent come from all the different groups that Yew Tree is made up from and from my observations, many of the groups and their occupants really did do something they thought they could do and they all loved every minute of it, being in the festive environment as well close to Christmas, it got us all very excited ha…The audiences loved every single show Yew Tree had to offer and couldn’t have given such praise and thanks for putting on a great show…The Purple Company was an absolute sensation to watch as they performed the Twelve Days of Yew Tree. The other audience members too were so very happy to see such a young group perform such energy and fun, with a few awwwww’s from many of the audience…

Personally I had a wonderful time performing with my fellow Black Company members in The Lost Happy Endings. Our show was so well crafted, devised and created in rehearsals over the last few weeks that we where all itching to just perform this piece and to have had the chance of performing for the Yew Tree Christmas Showcase was just great…and the response we got from both performance nights was very heartfelt and wonderful to hear and also a great testament as to how hard each and everyone of Yew Tree’s collective work as professionals and not just amateurs…Along with Black and Purple, the Crimson and Sapphire Company both smashed it with their performances of Cinderella and The Princess and The Pea. I could definitely see some wonderful young performers who will do some great things in years to come as they ascend the ranks of Yew Tree. I was very impressed by both casts comic timing, their great story telling and each of their individual commitments as performers to portraying their characters and generally just making the most of the brilliant scripts that that have been given to perform, and are more than privileged to have written for them by Sarah Osborne, who knows just how each group works and what they can do to make a Yew Tree show brilliant to watch…As I was able to see a few of the performances on both nights, I was very lucky to see Gold Companies The Worn Out Shoes on the Wednesday night after performing with Black Company, and it was such a great piece of theatre. I had seen a few rehearsals as it was being created but the end result was nothing but pleasing…the lighting used was magical, the dance sequences were great and the cast performances were brilliant too…Something I wish I could watch again but unfortunately not…However now that the Christmas projects have nicely come to close, everyone at Yew Tree can now relax for the Christmas Holidays and revel in all their achievements before coming back for new term next year…And I personally can not wait to see what Yew Tree has in store next for all of its groups in 2011, its gonna be the best.


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