Lucy reports in on our joint bonus games session...

When I said I’d do a blog about this Saturday’s session I thought it would be easy, because I knew how much I was looking forward to it and I knew it wouldn’t disappoint. And don’t get me wrong, it definitely hasn’t, it’s been amazing, but I’m finding it hard to actually put into words just how brilliant it was.

This Saturday was a games session at Yew Tree. Sounds simple enough. But oh no, 50 people, that’s right, 50 people turned up. Which is a lovely thing in itself because it wasn’t a mandatory thing that they had to attend. But still 50 people, all from different companies, came together just to have a bit of fun.

We played lots of games and generally had loads of fun. My favourite game was definitely King Of The Jungle. We added in a dinosaur and watching people try to make the noise for it was hilarious. And it’s just a brilliant game anyway. Love a bit of King Of The Jungle, it’s a game we should definitely play more.

But I think the thing that made me happiest was seeing old faces come back, and being able to work with people we haven’t seen in so long. The excitement that filled the room when Rob came in was amazing, a huge round of applause and cheers, where else do you get a welcome like that? Brilliant.

I think today has just confirmed what I already knew, Yew Tree Youth Theatre is my favourite place on earth.

Cheers for a brilliant day :)

LT x


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