The late blog...

So what to write after a day like yesterday, after a week like last week…perhaps start with an apology…the blogs are a day late…I know, I know…dreadful behaviour for a youth theatre director that expects so much from her actors…so yes I’m sorry…it’s a lot to do with the fact that I was so busy living this week at Yew Tree that I had very little time to reflect upon it. What with performances at Nostell Priory, all the usual sessions, Shooting Truth, a full day of Tech rehearsals and an Open Mic Night…there was very little time to eat and sleep never mind sit at a computer and try and think about what was going on to be able to write about it in any kind of cohesive manner.

But here I am Monday morning trying to make amends…and I’m a little stumped as to what to make of it…I’m so proud and impressed by all of you. I saw so many people achieve things they haven’t achieved before yesterday, overcome personal barriers of nerves, uncertainty and confidence. I saw people reap rewards for the hard work they’ve put in all term and I saw people get that flash of inspiration they’ve been looking for during the rehearsals.

The bits I liked the most was when I saw people attaining the right balance of working hard and enjoying what they do…there were lots of these both in the techs, the rehearsals and particularly last night at the open mic night. So much focus, dedication and energy but layered on top of that the kick that comes with knowing you’re doing something that is broadening your creative achievements and what’s more you’re doing it within a community that values both you and your ambitions and talents. If anything Yew Tree Youth Theatre this is what you should be reflecting on this week…don’t let the achievements you’ve made get swallowed up before you’ve acknowledged and enjoyed them for at least a moment.

So Yew Tree I reckon the best thing I can leave you with this week is the following request…please put all your energy and focus into your performances this week, let them be a celebration of all you’ve done in the rehearsal room but equally, within that hard work enjoy yourselves…this is the one and only time you get to do these plays…so you know…make the most of them…and Good Luck to you all…


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