Festive frivolity...

T’was the night before Christmas and all through Yew Tree
Not a person was working, not even me.
But the blogs were still uploaded on the website with care,
In the hope that the dedicated would venture there.
The readers that hoped for some last minute word
From the writers of Yew tree, however absurd.
Those that knew with a certainty, rightly given,
That despite the festive season they’d be generously written

Hey there!…if you are reading this you are hardcore Yew Tree through and through…it’s Christmas eve and you’re reading the blog…that’s impressive….no really, it’s realllly impressive…you should have some sort of award….in fact here’s what I’m going to do…when you’ve read this (and the guest blog too of course) go to the facebook fanpage and let us know you have (either by liking the status saying that the blogs are up or posting up a comment on the wall) and I’ll invent an award…I’m starting to think of the title such dedication deserves as I type this…by the time you post up I’ll have got it…anyone who does this before the end of Christmas Eve will be notified they are the holder of thenameimakeupinthenextfewhours award…and their achievement will be recorded for posterity…I know, I know you’re thinking Sarah, this is too much generosity, too much munificence…but no…I insist…after all, it’s Christmas innit…

Anyway enough of this frivolity I have last minute presents to wrap and food to prepare…but I’ll check the fanpage before I sleep…so until then…
Merry Christmas to all and to all a Goodnight


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