Micheal Brown AKA Prince Sebastian with his performance week experience...

Waoh, can't believe it's been like two years since I've written a blog... That's two Yew Tree Christmas shows ago. Speaking of the Christmas shows, our latest ones happened to be on Tuesday and Wednesday! (In case you wern't already aware...)

Usually, before going on a stage I get this feeling of:
Nervousness, fear, adrenaline, panic, terror, scared of being shot by some maniac on the back row with a sniper! (That never happens).
But at Yew Tree, for some reason it's easier. You can just walk on stage, perfectly calm and just do it.

But seriously, the whole thing was amazing, all of it. I'm not sure what I enjoyed the most; being on stage performing, or watching others just smash it with their brill plays.

I don't think I could put my finger on which one I liked the most, it was clear as, urmm... a clear piece of glass, they had all put tons of time and effort into them.
But one thing that really stood out to me was the scene in
"Lost Happy Endings" when the evil witch was burning...The dancing just looked REALLY effective in my opinion, the weird shapes and lighting gave of a really abstract feel...

But I did still love being on stage.
Right now as I type this, I'm marveling at how I managed not to crack up at Heather's Gothika...Or Monotonia, or Oratoria, or any of 'em! I still don't know why I didn't choose to marry Ross's Manlia...

But I think my favourite characters are Milly, Tilly, and Lilly. In the scene where they first come on ranting and raving, I didn't need to act much... They were terrifying! I also got a strong mum and dad vibe from Laura and Jake...And a pesky little annoying brother vibe from Tom and sam...

And when I was REJECTED by Olena! Didn't she realise how brave I had been? How compassionate? How willing? After saying three words to her I am ready to ask her to marry me, and what does she do? She shoots me down! Bang! And I'm emotionaly scarred for three months until finally plucking up the courage to give it another try... But she says yeah so that's all good.
Because I'm a prince and if she refused me one more time, I would have beheaded her...

But most of all, (and I don't know how I've managed to go this far into the blog without mentioning them...) hat's of to the narrators.
How they managed to remember all their lines, even when they're in like, every scene baffles me...
Especially with words like: SNAPPITY...Not, SNIPPITY, or SNOPITY,

Anyway, I'd like to thank you all for not getting bored of my tediously bad writing skills and reading my blog untill the end.

I highly reget with upmost apoligies that I wasn't able to mention everyone from Sapphire in my blog, as I'm running out of charge and need to get this finished before my laptop makes that dreaded beep noise and shuts down on me.

So thanks for reading, and Merry Christmas, what else can I say?
Michael Brown.


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