Emma with some thoughts inspired by a morning in Wakefield

I was sat in the window of Costa today waiting for someone who was late and I planned to hit the sales... but I got a bit distracted and ended up just people-watching out of the window. And I was watching everyone go along in their own little bubbles, paying very little attention to anyone else.

But there was one man who was sat on an outside table. He had a loveheart in the foam on his coffee and he took it straight off with the spoon. :| Then he looked at the person beside him and wrinkled his nose. Niiiice. But I digress.

I realised when we do street cafe at Yew Tree, we rarely decide to be 70% of the people I watched today - perhaps because we don't pay them enough attention in real life. We sometimes act the stereotypes because this sits comfortably in our heads, or we play young people. And the stereotypes and the young people are present in the street, but there are lots of others there too!!


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