Danny Southern is back in da house...

Yo Yewtree-ers! Soz it’s been a while since my last blog. It’s just sheer forgetfulness. Honestly… Anyway, here’s the down-low on what happened at this Monday’s Sapphire group…

Well… WE GOT THROUGH THE WHOLE SCRIPT! Yes, guys, you got that right, we’re in a lot better of a position than last year; panicking, last-minute line learning and just unprecedented chaos in general. But that was old Sapphire! The new Sapphire has rose from the ashes and is ‘soaring high’ – omg, can’t believe how cheesey that line is!

Anyway, what happened? Well guys, I’ve got to say, I’m impressed. Lines are phenononononononononenmal (Michael and Olena in particular – go guys!) and a big shout out to Alanya – I was absolutely blown away by Oratoria; my jaw literally dropped. She came out from the line and just owned the stage! Sad news about Jordan not being able to do the panto, but Darcie has stepped up to the mark and is doing the role expertly. Grendle – what a leg. Emma is such a bbz – she is amazing as an old, decrepit, and just generally useless hag, which is slightly worrying. And what about the storm? Well… it went quite well really – even though we were missing people and last week it was kinda, erm, shaba. But we know we’re gonna conquer it next week! Roll on Monday!!


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