Shooting some truth...

It’s been quite the week…not only have we worked pretty much full time on our production of Shooting Truth but we were also featured in The Stage and in addition there was an article by me (sounds more self-congratulatory than I intended) published in the National Association of Youth Theatre’s Youth Theatre Now, publication.

The one thing I would choose off that list, if I was only able to have one, is the first…it’s been the most creative, challenging, rewarding week spent with some of the most talented young people I have ever met in addition to the most perceptive and brilliant assistant director. The work we have produced has been utterly inspiring and the process of producing it has utterly surpassed inspiring. They’re big words but they’re deserved…there’s something gratifying about accepting a challenge and coming out the other end of it a developed and improved version of the person you were…everyone this week has undergone such an experience…

Despite all these achievements, if I had the chance I’d spend another week doing more of the same…there are moments in Shooting Truth that still aren’t quite there…there are bits of each character and their relationships with others still to be discovered…there is still meaning to be found in the lines, in between the lines in fact at times there are actual lines to be discovered, as in the ones that Molly Davies wrote…however now we have almost reached that time in rehearsals where my time is done. I have to hand it over to my brilliant cast and amazing lighting designer and trust that the actors will tell the story of the play as truthfully as they can with as much integrity as is humanly possible…the really good thing about all of this is I get to watch the wonderful result…


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