Aaron had a very good reason to blog this week...

Hi yew tree it’s been a while since my last blog so let’s see how this one turns out. I’m sorry to say that the majority of this blog will be a little self indulgent as it involves me taking part in something that I love to do as well as not doing it in such a long but the rest will consist of talk of how the performance went.

Improv battle, a phrase that somehow managed to turn me into a 6 year old on Christmas morning, was but one of the events that was part of the youth theatre event at York this weekend that Yew Tree attended. I was a little overwhelmed with excitement to say the least to find out that they wanted volunteers from each youth theatre. I looked at my friends only to see the all familiar look that my mum gave me when she gave in to letting me open a present on Christmas Eve. A look that seems to say ‘What’s he like’ and ‘you’re a little annoying at this moment in time so get on with it’. Safe to say I was the first one up in front of everyone in the ballroom and for a moment I thought that I would have been the only one but then a few guys got up and then some girls until there were ten people up. This is where it got interesting because it turned out to be a competition, in a matter of words, between two teams of five. The scoring system was barely that, however we were awarded a cat called Toby that was put to good use in a later improvisation, but other than that it was pretty mental. One of the things I found interesting about the whole experience was how completely different people were when they improvised, there were some that I didn’t especially think much of and then others I couldn’t keep my eyes off. Over all it was just a brilliant experience to be a part of and I look forward to the next time an opportunity comes up to do something like this again.
Our performance of The Princess Blanket went really well and there was something unforeseen that made it even better, almost sweeter even, because before the performance as the audience walked in there were a few individuals who sat down for I’d say at most a minute before one of them decided to blurt out ‘well this is awkward’. Now normally in a situation such as this it would be incredibly tempting to go over to the individual in question and have a confrontation but with the situation being what it was we remained in our opening positions like the brilliant company we are. It was one of the rare performances that I like to feel smug after we put on a good performance such as the princess blanket so that we can give the overly vocal audience member something to feel awkward about. Like the fact that we’re brilliant.


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