
Sharing work is always an odd thing, there’s such a strange combination of pride and insecurity. It feels like there’s so much at stake. There are lots of reasons for this but the one that is always upmost in my mind are whether people are going to produce the quality of work I have witnessed they are capable of in rehearsals and this is compounded by my knowledge of the context of each production and the cast members within it. I am made proud of my actors, and the work we produce together, not only on the performance but also on the journey we took to get to it and I’m frustrated by the fact that this isn’t always evident to an outsider.

This week I shared my work with the Gold and Green company, I’d written plays/scenes for them and as I prepared to listen to them being read through by the cast I had the same sense of nerves as an actor does just before the show…will the play work? Will people understand it? Will they like it? Will they think it’s rubbish and therefore think I too am rubbish? I knew I was pleased with what I’d done but would it translate to a wider reader.

Other sharings have taken place too this week in Yew Tree. Black Company shared their production of the “Princess’s Blankets” in York to significant critical acclaim and I couldn’t have been prouder of them. On this occasion we were left with no doubt about the reception, words like Moving, Beautiful, Committed and Slick in addition to countless people saying that they loved it. It was a pleasure to be connected to something so wonderful and this was strengthened by the fact that it was so much a realisation of my initial vision. Made me feel slightly guilty for my strident approach in our last rehearsal…just slightly.

Then there was the sharing of work by Holly and The Busketeers on Sunday night. For once I had no part in the making and could sit back and enjoy being the receiver in the sharing. I was so impressed with both performances and so honoured that they were prepared to channel them into supporting us. Holly’s wit and observational insightfulness was coupled with a bravery in performance that should have been an inspiration to all of the youth theatre actors that watched. The performance by the Busketeers was so invested with talent and charisma that they made excellence in performance look easy…the whole evening spent in such good company with many of my favourite, favourite people was simply a joy…

And of course in a week we share Shooting Truth…and as a consequence this week will be one of fear, frustration, achievement and anticipation in preparation to go through the whole pride and insecurity thing once again…no pressure there then…


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