Ellie reports in on the Black Company's progress on the production they're taking to York...

I feel like our physical theatre on the book "princess blankets" deserves the most praise... and as I wasn't at gold company last Saturday it's the most fresh in my mind too.

When you read a book that you don't think interests you, you don't take half as much notice, as you would in a book that you have chosen to read. The Princess's Blankets...

"A book that show's love from the pure basic's of giving somebody that warm feeling inside, it express's the true meaning of love and reminds the world of what that feeling is."

It's always difficult to express the word's from a book when you have said the lines over and over again, but there's something in the pictures that the members of the youth theatre make, that inspire you to say them with meaning and more thoughtfulness. Just saying it louder doesn't make it more meaningful. When you start to understand the story even as it has been split between several different people, that's when you know meaning has been put in there, as the word's make your ears listen that little bit further... and the book comes together... that little bit more.

We got to the end of the book - which is always a fabulous, fabulous feeeellllliiiinnnngggg.

And just to add;
Gold Company, Black Company, Connections, Writers.
Everyone of these makes my week what it is.
It's like my "couple of hours of freedom" (every session) from the rest of the world that's on the other side of the door, if only i lived at yew tree, and if only i spent my time there even more than i do now, would be more than delightful... just saying.

Much love to all yew tree youth theatre members.


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