Danny Southern tells us about:

Monday 31st January 2011.

What a day. Two pens have exploded in my pocket, my trousers have ripped and I fell down three flights of steps at college. Fun. Even after all that, the ‘curse of clumsiness and calamity’ struck again – this time breaking a mug of a teacher… they don’t know, but they might notice something different when they taste sellotape… oops.

But what the hell, Yew Tree was awesome. Surprised I didn’t end up breaking someone’s arm which is always an added bonus. So erm, yeah. Today we kinda made up vegetable stories and rapped about them. I will explain all. Wow, that sounds like a last line from Eastenders before the dum-dum-du-du-du-du-du-dur.

Basically, we started with a verb (ya know, a doing word). So being sane and everything, I picked drowning. Then we created an action for it (no surprises for how slack I looked there). We did the same with a veg, and I picked cucumber, which entailed that I just laid on the floor. And finally a colour. That was the hardest for me. Should I pick a colour that’s original like peacock blue or chrysanthemum orange? Or play it safe with white or green? I went for black, no, not because it’s the colour of my soul, but because I knew I could make up an action for it – covering up my eyes.

After the colourful drowning veg game, we made up a story. Here’s mine:
‘In the beginning, Derek had a cat. And then he accidentally set fire to the cat. And finally, he vacuumed up the evidence with his new dyson.’ Cheerful or what? We put these with our veggie actions from earlier on. So, Derek had a cat (drowning), he set fire to it (laying on the floor), and he got rid of the evidence (hands over eyes). Sick and twisted, huh?

As if it couldn’t get any weirder, it did. We were put into teams and made a soundscape (musical backing track sorta thing) for one of our stories. I still have no idea why my story was picked but hey ho.

We laid down some beats,
Put the rhythm in ya feet,
And we never gonna make it stop.
With Livvy and Gee,
And not forgettin’ Dee,
We made our ditty rock.
We got soul sisters Leah,
And Katie over here,
To make the sound alive.
And Lydia the leg,
Keeping up our pacey edge,
That makes the rhythm survive.
We watched all the others
Our YT sisters and our brothers
And just though OMG, Sapphire really does have an amazing repertoire of creative minds and vocalists.

That wasn’t really the ‘rap’, but just wanted to put out there about how brilliant the other groups were. Mindblowin’ mert.

And just to top it off, we had a round of the laughing game.

I kinda think that Yew Tree balances out my disastrous start this morning.


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