Alice Proctor blogs beautifully about February half term and all it's challenges and rewards...

So this week was my fourth ‘Connections Week’.

Rehearsing intensively for five days with a cheeky rehearsal still to go on Saturday, there’s been little time for anything else but I’ve absolutely loved it. With no work and no regular youth theatre sessions - which are usually what take up my weeks...and, the advantage this year of not being at college meant I could concentrate fully on ‘Shooting Truth’.

I decided I wanted to spend my week feeling like a proper actor...whatever one of those is, ha. I wanted to be independent, healthy, focussed, organised, resilient and disciplined. Of course everyone can say ‘I could have...’ or ‘I should have...’ or ‘What if I’d...’, but this week I feel like I’ve done enough not to have to feel like that. And this is the first connections process where that’s happened. It’s been an absolute pleasuuuuure of a week and the prospect of not getting into drama school is a brilliant thing when I think about this potentially being my last connections :(

When I compare it to my February half term of year 11 when I was in ‘A Vampire Story’ it’s crazy. I can’t pin point exactly what’s different, partly because my memory isn’t fantastic but also because there’s so much difference. I’m pretty sure all I did was learn my lines and go to rehearsal and make sure I knew my lines a bit better for the next day. I also wore Dee’s boots and the bottom of my foot hurts in most heels I’ve worn since then. Nightmare sitch.

But I think the point that I’m trying to make is that this week I didn’t beat myself up about stuff but took a more practical approach to it; I haven’t got as frustrated as I used to or cross with myself and I’ve enjoyed it so much more and I think because of all this I’ve discovered and achieved much more than I otherwise would have.


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