The wonderful Laura Tosney with some thoughts about Sunday's Open Mic Night...

There are certain things that you have to occasionally physically leave behind, but always carry a certain precious spot in your heart. Seabrook’s Worcestershire sauce crisps. The North of England. The Yew Tree family and all its little branches (...that one was for you Danny, some sort of misguided pun attempt).

So...when the opportunity arises to gently poke two badgers with one spoon, you don’t really say no, do you? The Yew Tree Open Mic night may have been a small amount of trekking to get to...but it is always very definitely worth it.
For a start there’s amazing singers. Oh, and amazing musicians. Plus some amazing slam poets. And amazing random stand-up comedy routines involving every British accent you’ve never been able to pull off yourself. And an EIGENHARP.

I hope you’re sensing a theme here: they’re all amazingly talented.
Yew Tree members honestly never fail to impress; they’re professional (even when faced with the Falling Curtains of Possible Death), they’re enthusiastic, and did I happen to mention “talented”? I might have. You won’t mind hearing it again, I’m sure.

So I’m raising my proverbial glass of thanks in your direction Yew Tree-ers! (Actually, it’s a smoothie bottle) And I say cheers to a fantastic night of entertainment...I’d role call you all by name, but I don’t think I actually can. You know who you are – have a small bask in your wonderfulness for a minute or three.

ALSO, dear reader, do you like good music? And amazing harmonies? And about five instruments played at once by a single person without a single Cymbal Hat in sight? Yes? In that case, you should head straight to Kayla Kavanaugh’s Website. Now. She’s beyond fantastic.



  1. Thank you so much Laura! You are too kind ... very grateful for your lovely words and fabulous shout~out to my wee website :) I had a fantastic time at the Open Mic Night, as always, and was incredibly impressed by the high standard of performances by every single person that got up on stage. Well done to everyone :)


    Kayla <3


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