Holly with her review of a certain YTYT production:

Sparkleshark - where do I start? It was absolutely amazing! I went in not really knowing what to expect, I mean, all yew tree productions are immense, but I'd never seen a connections one before. Now, I'm gonna try and write a review of it, so here we go...

Right, I'll start with the actors. I loved all the characters, and the actors played them so well that, maybe it's just me but you kinda felt like you knew them? Everyone knows a geek, a 'turbo dream babe' and 'the popular girl', and this play had it all. Each actor had their own little bit to bring to the part as well. Which is always good :) The set was dead impressive. It actually did give you a feel of a neglected, forgotten about roof-top. It was as though every little detail had been thought about, which it probably had - the trolley, satellites and even just pizza boxes - really made a good scene. The last thing to point out is that this play is just hilarious, the funniest one I've seen in a longgg time. There are really obvious funny parts, but then really subtle ones, which kinda just make you giggle to yourself. Again, might just be me.

Sparkleshark was just brilliant. I can't put into words how much I enjoyed it, which is why this is so short :/. It made my week and I would absolutely definately go again :) xxx


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