This week at Delightful Yew Tree...

This week a number of things have delighted me about Yew Tree Youth Theatre so I’m going to tell you about them…although for many of you my recollections were witnessed by you first hand so for you they will serve simply as reminders…perhaps from a slightly different angled lens…

I’ll start with today…joining the Crimson and Gold Companies was a risk…mainly because of the size of the space, the room wasn’t guaranteed to hold everyone…and also because we knew we were asking for a degree of bravery from the Crimson Company to come to a new location and join in a session facilitated by two people they hardly know – one of whom has been called the dragon lady…however the result was delightful…particularly when we did blind leading and continuous images…the atmosphere in the room was a wonderful combination of creativity, restoration and trust…just brilliant

But was that all Yew Tree did today? Ohhhh no…we had a 5 hour dress rehearsal…yep you read right 5 hours…and by the end of it everyone was still speaking to each other…not only speaking but still looking for ways to improve their performances and the production as a whole… I, like many, began my Yew Tree day at 10 and finished it 10 hours later and yet here I am writing the blog…mainly because the delight to be found in the youth theatre is inspiring and energising…essentially delightful….

So it would be tempting to think that Saturday was the highlight of the week… but no…because if you’d seen the Sapphire Company perform their clowning piece or the Black Company decode their way through Shakespeare and be inspired enough to talk about it after the session…you’d know that they would need to be counted in any list of highlights…and I happen to know Green Company had a storming week…

So yeah…come see Sparkleshark and Karamazoo and revel in the delight of it because in this, as in all aspects of Yew Tree Youth Theatre, there’s plenty to go round…


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