This was waiting for me when I got home...and almost...almost made me cry...Emma Fretwell reports in on her Yew Tree dominated Birthday...

Fantastic day. Sparkleshark; what can I say? I’ve had the best time ever. And today was the best day. For starters, it was my birthday! I couldn’t have spent it in a better way. I went to the Crimson Company and we had cake and they sang to me. Stayed for news, but then had to buzz off to Sparkleshark! Oh it was amazing. Had a really nice sausage roll too. But anyway, everything got underway and the ball was rolling at top speed. I was doing Karamazoo in the matinee, so I sat on stage waiting for the house lights to go down. Seriously, last night, I was bricking it. Kept waking up and thinking ‘It’s my birthday. Oh my gosh, Karamazoo!’ So I was sat on stage all worried…. Then the lights were in my face. When I realised that actually I couldn’t see, I wasn’t nervous anymore. I did better than I thought I possibly could, which pleased me no end, and meant that I could relax and watch the Sparkles perform. They tore it up. Then we had a lovely little photo-sesh with the awesome Craig Bingham. Clever guy. Hopefully we’ll see those pictures soon. Then, as though my day was not just fantastic enough, Sarah said “Hold on guys.” And she ran out of the room. Then she shouted “Sharks!” and as a cast, we walked into the other room and everybody sang happy birthday. :) I nearly cried. The final performance of Sparkleshark and Karamazoo were phenomenal. Can’t even describe it. The audience loved it, the actors were completely in their element and we went out with a bang. Thank you, everybody who was in Sparkleshark or Karamazoo or directing or audience-ing or even being remotely involved in the process, for making my birthday so special. I am genuinely so proud of the entire company. Cannot wait for Kendal. Again, well done!


  1. Were the words "speed" and "buzz" in the first couple of sentences intentional puns? If not they should've been.

  2. you see I didn't notice them til pointed out...that would be the sentimental thing going on...

  3. What a wonderful blog :) YewTree is full of lovely people.


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