Another Blog from Robert Girgis - inspired by the Sapphire Company and I promise I hadn't read his before I wrote mine...great minds and all that...

I guess this would be the right time to plug my up and coming gig at Kent studying Sociology...So if you want to just leave a comment along the lines of ‘Well done you are brilliant Robert’ that would be fine...

Anyways Monday nights are ridiculous! It’s stupidly funny! It’s not like certain people are funny, everyone is funny, it’s just FUNNY CENTRAL.
Game for discussion = Park bench...

I was laughing so hard and it wasn’t just ‘haha’, it was the loss of legs laughter (if you don’t get what the loss of legs laughter is just watch me next time I have an intense fit of laughter). The thing is it wasn’t because people were almost aiming to be intentionally funny, it wasn’t down to some scripted piece that had been well thought out and written...there was no grand master plan to make something utterly hilarious. It was young people just going on impulse; the first thought that came to their head and rolling with it...its pure brilliance. It’s a massive lesson I can take away from the session, becoming hypnotised by a task is something that I hope can get better at and never loose. I wanted to get up but before one person was off the next was up...It was so funny...

I suppose am going to go into ‘gravity’ mode, location has nothing to do with brilliance but the fact that in a little drama studio in Cathedral Wakefield utter geniuses are at play fills me with joy. Don’t change Monday night group. I look forward to my next visit!


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