Lucy Tranter with the first blog...

This is my second attempt at writing a blog. Can’t say I’ve got the hang of it yet, but I’ll crack on anyway...

So, as I was sat in my bedroom the other day, I started thinking about Sparkleshark, and just how much fun I’m having doing it. I then realised that it’s actually nearing an end, and I have to say this upset me rather a lot. So I picked up my script, had a read through, and by the end I found myself in floods of tears. Not because there’s a sad end to the play, or that I’d just been listening to the depressing song from Titanic, but just the fact that this amazing journey is nearly over. So just for the record, I have to say; working on Sparkleshark has been the most fun I’ve had in an age, I’ve met some absolutely brilliant people who I hope to know forever (ha! unlucky for them) and have so many fabulous memories that will be pretty hard to forget (not that I want to forget them)

So after my little crying session I started thinking of everything that we’ve done and everything I’ve learnt from the experience, whether that be on stage or off. The things I’ve enjoyed, the things that have made me laugh so hard I thought I’d die, everything. In the memories department it made me remember February half term mostly, me and Emma getting bacon sandwiches every day for lunch from the lovely sandwich shop across the road, everyone recording Jack singing on a lunch time, improvising songs for ‘Sparkleshark: The Musical’ (an idea a majority of the cast weren’t in favour of...) and generally everything from every day. Sparkleshark has also made my confidence in drama and just generally in every day life soar. But the thing it really made me see is that this is what I want to do with my life. Because it simply amazing, and I really can’t think of anything better. And for that I’d like to say thank you.

Anyway, now that I’ve ranted for a reasonable amount of time I’d just like to tell anyone who hasn’t got tickets for Sparkleshark to hurry up and get some because, trust me, you really don’t want to miss it. :)

Thank you, Yew Tree, for reading my blog. :)

P.S After a discussion with a few other Sparkleshark people it has been decided that there should be a Yew Tree mansion. And we should all live there. And it will be brilliant. The sooner it’s made the better. Thanks :D


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