We went from no guest blogs to 2...couldn't be happier...thanks to Callum for this one...in addition to being a central member of the black and gold company he is also a valued assistant within the youth theatre...

At the start of the summer I was pretty gutted that I wasn’t going to be at Yew Tree for an entire summer but then it was fine because we’ve got Thursday group every week. So for the last few weeks we’ve been attempting to try and decipher the errr cryptic stimulus that we got given.

None the less I was bloody over the moon because it meant not only do I still see a large amount of the Yew Tree’ers I would have missed but also we got to do physical theatre workshops for the holidays. I love physical theatre there’s nothing quite as relaxing as not thinking about anything but moving your body. So it’s been smashing for stopping me losing it for the last couple of weeks. Well I say relaxing it’s been a right work out. It’s like cross training for three hours. Particularly the first week of the proper physical workshops. In that week after the warm up me and Danny Keane partnered up. The group were asked to find ways of going around someone going through someone (as in under the legs or something not like Casper) and going by someone. With me and Danny having the mental maturity of a ten year old and a fair bit of martial experience, the decision was quickly made “Shall we just do a fight scene?” We raced through it plotting out the moves and tried as hard as we could to make it fast. After we’d plotted the moves out which some might compare to that of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon we were brought back in and Sarah asked us to come up with some dialogue and try and make it work. We couldn’t find another way but to do it as an argument. All in all it fitted quite well. We then got to watch everyone else’s which was amazing to see some of the other ideas that came out that were so very different to our own. I ended the session feeling fulfilled. Until the morning after when I was walking the house like a ninety year old.

This week we took a little more mellow tone. It was much more about concentration than the bold moves of the weeks before. The same warm up but after we did a concentration exercise where we had to keep a hand touching your partners hand at all times and lead them around the room. It was amazing. You could quite literally forget about the world and concentrate on where your partner was taking you. We then moved on to the main section of the work shop. We started sitting down on a chair next to a partner and we had to figure out ways of moving each other or our selves with our hands. My partner this week this week was Girgis, which is often quite a funny paring. For anyone that doesn’t know as well as me and Girgis being very close friends we also were partner characters for the entire Connections process and although we are so close we bicker a lot. So we spent a long amount of time deciding what we were going to do. After finally deciding and just about getting it right Sarah asked to imagine we were watching the telly so our concentration couldn’t lapse from that point. This made it a bit easier. Then we were asked to think of what were watching. This is where I think it all came together for us. We decided we were watching a football match watching opposing teams which made it easier to make our movements make sense. It ended alright anyway. We then got to watch some of the others which were brilliant to see the absolutely hilarious things that came out. That session wasn’t as painful the morning after either.

I think it’s said something about Yew Tree anyway. It’s said that you can put a bunch of people in a room a few of whom have never met other members and with the right direction you can make anything turn out good. And we still got to get together for the summer.
The End


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