This week the guest blog is by Danny who needs little introduction and the bit he might do he's done himself...

Right. My first yew tree blog. This week at Yew Tree… spent it at NODA…anyone else appreciate the irony? Good. But as is so often the case, completely detaching yourself and surrendering to another perspective, means you have so much more to offer your original views when you return. Awkward metaphors already? you bet…I’d imagine most people who read this know who I am lol but if not im danny hahaha who does yknow most of the things you can do at yew tree…but this week ive been trapped in a room not unlike my university one lol (small and angular and thin walled) venturing out to either mealtimes (think Hogwarts but with sunlight…and occasional outbursts of street theatre style happenings) or to my classes. (there was also a bar and a gathering expedition to sainsbury’s but that doesn’t really count towards my point). so yes my classes. They were with Giles Foreman. Who went to drama centre n stuff and is now an acting coach for films and has his own studio in London with an ensemble of actors and what have you. I’m not going to go into detail about the work we did (the 16 of us I think) it was intense, revealing, brilliant…and many many other things. But having spent a week concentrating solely on becoming a better methodological actor the thing that struck me was the number of differences in priorities that are possible in drama. Your main concern could be finding the truth, could be shocking audiences, could be personal glory, could be just sheer joy of telling stories through theatre. And so what comes across as one of the greatest aspects of Yew Tree Youth Theatre is that its primary concern is for the young people that attend. YTYT has no ego as it were. It has no score to settle with rival youth theatres. It doesn’t not let you join on basis of ability. Its own personal glory is a distant second to reacting towards and meeting the needs of its members. If you’re into drama…then come. Be accepted and not judged. Express yourself, challenge yourself, enjoy other people, and develop confidences and learn skills that will stand you as a person in better stead whatever you choose to do with the rest of your time. (Which will probably be happier for knowing there’s a place where, for a couple of hours a week, you’re the priority.)oooohhhhh


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