I owe the followers of this blog an apology…for the first time since the dawn of the blog, last week I failed to post one…there are many reasons why this happened but essentially since first thing Saturday morning until this morning my only source of internet has been my Iphone…and marvellous wonder of modern technology that it is… (congratulations Rob on your acquisition of one) it was no help whatsoever in posting a blog…mine or anyone else’s…so once again…sorry.

So what to tell you…it has been quite the week…filled with revelations, highs, lows and debates a plenty…for the last week from Sunday to Friday I have been teaching a group of 13 committed and creative adults as much as I could about Youth Theatre…it’s been an utterly fascinating experience and as I’ve taken the group through a range of ideas from character building to physical theatre and including the value of games and the potential power of devised theatre I’ve felt utterly enthused about the art form I am lucky enough to practice for a significant proportion of my professional life.

This means despite the fact that for a lot of the week I have been giving other people ideas about what they can do and investing my time and energy into their development I have in fact come back feeling rejuventated and inspired. A combination of the passion and potential of my students, the things I learnt and considered through my fellow tutors I was lucky enough to teach along side and conversations with valued friends while I was there means I need only two things now to make everything more than marvellous…catch up time with my family and a youth theatre session please…roll on Thursday…


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