At last... Joanna (member of Gold and Black complany) sent me this a week ago but for a number of reasons it was impossible to put it up you have it now with my apologies for lateness...

So I’ve decided to man up and write a blog after reading them each week and thinking I’d like to do one but it would just be me rambling. Then I realized I spend a good few minutes rambling at the start of every session because I am rubbish at being concise doing my best and worse-this week I talked about my toothbrush for far too long... and the rambling begins.

I feel incredibly lucky to still be able to be a part of Yew Tree, after leaving for drama school and shedding a regretful tear that I hadn’t started coming earlier (so I could have enjoyed it for longer,) then ending up coming home often enough to keep going to Saturday mornings, then leaving completely for a year out I feel like I’m cheating by being here- it’s brilliant. I even got a bonus connections woooo!

When I found out Thursday group was on over summer it was fantastic news, then when I found out we were doing a set of independent workshops like we did a while ago on Saturday mornings I was very excited and then when I found out we’re performing at a festival in York and are going to spend Thursday nights devising for it it was even better!

We started this Thursday with a physical workshop which I loved! It was so therapeutic because it was relaxing but also because we all concentrated so hard without having to try to stay focused, I didn’t need to try hard to concentrate, I just did without it being a conscious effort to. After we had started by doing a trust exercise (the one where you lead someone round with their eyes shut) I realized the reason I love doing them so much is because while you’re leading that person around they are your responsibility and they are trusting you to keep them safe so for however long it is, that’s the only thing on your mind and you concentrate on that one thing so you don’t have to think about anything else. And then when you are being led it’s lovely because for that bit of time you have absolutely no responsibility. Then when I thought about this later at home I realized that this applies to the whole of every session at Yew Tree, because you get involved in whatever it is that we’re doing, that is all you think about for those few hours.

I do love Yew Tree, but I’ve just about doubled the word count so…


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