We also have a repeat performance from Tom also a member of The black Company in addition to The Gold Company

First one I’ve done in a while so here goes nothing I guess. Last night or last Thursday if you read this on Sunday, we did a Physical Theatre workshop based on the idea of connection and communication between people and I enjoyed every single little bit of it. I haven’t been a part of a workshop like that for a long time and a Yew Tree one in particular is such a mind blower. You just go away with all these different ideas and conclusions about what you did, what you talked about and what you could still do.

Two of my particular favourite exercise we worked at was one where in a group of three, one person (the leader) had to gain the eye contact of a another person (the follower) without the last group member (the other leader) stealing the followers eye contact, and so on and so forth. What was interesting was that Sam and Jamie’s eye connection, if you will, was more of a definite story then the one I would have with Sam because it felt like, in fictional terms, a love triangle. Jamie and Sam were the, "meant to be couple," and I was someone trying to steal Sam for myself. This was all because of eye contact and the power and intensity it can have between any two people in any given situation or place. For me its one of the most marvellous things in a performers arsenal to use in any type of performance.

The other exercise was the Round By and Through exercise just because with mine and Jamie’s performance, we did ours with our eyes closed and with that it can open so much feeling and ideas for communication without the use of our eyes.

And that’s it for now I guess, catch you all later

Tommy Niz


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