Thank goodness for Dee... indispensible member of the black and gold companies...

Okay sooo sorry if this is a bit rubbish, I don’t really have technical vocabulary ha but yeah, Sarah had no blogger and we can’t not have a blogger so yeah I’ll stop rambling and get on with it …

I was back at my first Thursday night after missing 2 due to been holidaying… and man I missed it, so much in fact that on a Thursday evening whilst in Crete I wrote Yewtree in the sand aha .. :| … but yeah so I reappeared with Moore by my side and it was sooo good to see all the team again (: alsooo we’ve started doing physical theatre which I haven’t done in ridiculous amounts of time and I actually loved it I remember starting it the session before I went away and it was literally as someone said ‘like therapy’, y’see all the pieces I’ve been involved in recently are all acting, but like speaking acting… stuff I’m used to, but this new piece we don’t speak we like communicate using our bodies so its like physical acting … I assume that’s why its called physical theatre.. but yeah so at first I was like hmmm no speaking this is going to be weird :/ but after the first exercise I thought, this is pretty swarve… I suppose its cause it’s a bit like dancing well its not but like dancing is physical right? argh .. but yeah so we did this thing where we all had to follow an instruction and we just did it all in time and it was weird how focused we became so quickly, that was a bit of a rubbish explanation ermmm ..well we did this thing were you get lead with your hand like someone puts there hand on you and leads you around and it was weird how focused you became on just that one persons hand like you forgot about everything and your main thing was ‘I have to follow this hand’, if that makes sense ?. But aww my favourite bit was working with jess … Jess H that is (: you had to like argh its hard to explain but you used your hands to like develop movements … I think that’s how to say it and at first we were sat there like … arghhhh what do we doooo cause there wasn’t allowed to be a story so we were just doing random movements but as soon as we got going we got the gist, it was so much easier though having a stimulus though, cause we got told ‘you're on a couch watching tele’ so we thought.. ‘brews!’ haha then we couldn’t decide what to watch so we were like, lets fight over the remote ha but it was weird how even though we didn’t have a stimulus at first our movements like, fit what we did. Not as legendary as some of the others we saw ha but yeah it was fun, you have to work harder when trying to portray something with movement too cause you cant just say ‘oh im doing this’ like in vocal acting you have to show it, pretty challenging but I enjoy a challenge:) a really good Thursday to come back to too :) + I look forward to what the final piece is going to look like :) xx


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