Thomas blogs about Saturday

Just thought I'd offer my cheeky two cents about one of the latest happenings in the Yew Tree calendar…”what’s been happening?” I hear you ask…well it would only be the opening launch of The Hepworth Gallery in Wakefield!

Yew Tree have had the pleasure of being a part of such a wonderful event this weekend…being that this is the Saturday as I write this blog I'll keep the events from today in mind…we did a bit of Physical Theatre outside the building, inside "Black Cloud" to a very pleasing audience, and got asked to perform not once, but twice during the day, and everyone that was there loved what the company was doing.

Afterwards towards the ending of the evening Yew Tree then went into the gallery itself…which is so beautiful now that it is open to the public, who were in every single gallery, looking with amazement at all the sculptures and works of art that were on display…it was interesting to see every ones reactions…there we performed some of the written scripts Sarah had created known as Responses 2, which are about and based on works of art and how people are inspired by art…there was also a scene which focused on Barbra Hepworth’s process and opinions about how to preserve art, and create what she created…there was also a scene between two curators trying to decide what to put in gallery 2, a poem about the process of how an artist forms an idea and then creates that idea before showcasing the work and then going on to another project, some more physical theatre to the sounds of classical music and a scene about a writer looking to get some inspiration from the art displayed around her…These scenes got such a lovely response from the public as they watched us, and the feedback was great as well…it made us all happy.

Today has been a very enjoyable for everyone in Yew Tree who performed at The Hepworth…and we get to do it all again the next day as we perform not only the physical theatre piece again, but also a performance of The Lost Happy Endings will be performed as well, which I’m really looking forward too…and I also hope we can get to go back to the gallery in the near future and perform there again soon!

Have fun reading more stories about The Hepworth…cheers…


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